Six major reservoirs in Indonesia on alert

Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011

Drought that hit the lead six large reservoirs in the state of alert.
Ministry of Public Works, Public Works, set six of the 16 large reservoirs in Indonesia currently set in a state of alert, or one level below the danger.

Ten reservoir''is still in normal condition, but six in the category of alert, ie Saguling, Cirata, Jatiluhur in West Java, Sermo in Yogyakarta, South Sulawesi Bili Bili Reservoir and Lahor, Karang Kates East Java,''said the Director General of Water Resources , Ministry of Public Works, told the BBC's Mohammed Amron Indonesia, Ervan Hardoko.

The reason is the drought that hit most parts of Indonesia.
Although the alert conditions, reservoirs were still able to function to generate and distribute electricity and clean water irigrasi.
High''of water in six reservoirs are declining. In Jatiluhur currently has reached 92 meters. Lower than the previous year which reached 102 in the same period,''said Amron.
But Amron ensure supply of water from six reservoirs are still in a safe condition.
Jatiluhur''example, the water supply can still be delivered despite the height reached 70 meters because the lowest was 59,''added Amron.
It is estimated that the availability of water in six reservoirs is still sufficient until October or when it began to enter the rainy season.
Austerity measures
"High water in six reservoirs are declining. In Jatiluhur currently has reached 92 meters. Lower than the previous year which reached 102 in the same period."
Muhammad Amron
The low rainfall in the peak of the dry season this year raised fears of drought in some regions in Indonesia given the increasingly limited water supply.
According to Muhammad Amron, weather modification technology to create artificial rain can only be applied at the end of the dry season when there are seeds of steam.
Therefore, when this can be done is management of the reservoir by way of savings.
Amron Muhammad said savings made primarily for agricultural irrigation.
''This is not the growing season, so the supply of water for irrigation to the farm is not a priority, just in irrigation by the existing capacity.''
As for drinking water needs, Amron guarantees can still be met.
In addition to the island of Java, the area most vulnerable to the threat of drought is the Nusa Tenggara Timur.
The Indonesian government said it has set up a fund of Rp 3 trillion to overcome the effects of drought this year.

(Coverage In The World)

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