Zimbabwe's President Will Investigate whistleblower

Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011

Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe will hold an investigationreportedly among party officials to find out who was leakinginformation that he was suffering from prostate cancer, as revealed by whistleblower website Wikileaks.

"The president said very clearly that as a party, we will investigatethis issue to determine the sources and authenticity of the statement which was revealed on Wikileaks," said Rugare Gumbo, a spokesman for ZANU-PF party, Mugabe's party.

According to Gumbo, Zanu-PF central committee had discussedthe issues that are revealed on Wikileaks. Mugabe has also beensaid, the contents of a leaked diplomatic cable on the site that has been blown-besarakan.

Some U.S. diplomatic cable leaked Wikileaks reveal the secret meetings between U.S. diplomats and senior officials of ZANU-PFand the Zimbabwe government officials.

In one wire, the Central Bank of Zimbabwe chief Gideon Gono told the U.S. ambassador in Harare that Mugabe suffer from prostatecancer. Mugabe predicted by doctors in 2008 that he would onlylive less than five years.

In the other wire, one of Mugabe's ministers, Saviour Kasukuwere, told former U.S. Ambassador to Zimbabwe Tom McDonald, thatMugabe and his cronies have to step aside from the leadership ofZimbabwe.

Last month, ZANU-PF party issued a statement calling the contents of diplomatic cables on Wikileaks was "very disturbing and demoralizing". (AFP / DHF)

(Coverage In The World)

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