Zimbabwe's President Will Investigate whistleblower

Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011 | 0 komentar

Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe will hold an investigationreportedly among party officials to find out who was leakinginformation that he was suffering from prostate cancer, as revealed by whistleblower website Wikileaks.

"The president said very clearly that as a party, we will investigatethis issue to determine the sources and authenticity of the statement which was revealed on Wikileaks," said Rugare Gumbo, a spokesman for ZANU-PF party, Mugabe's party.

According to Gumbo, Zanu-PF central committee had discussedthe issues that are revealed on Wikileaks. Mugabe has also beensaid, the contents of a leaked diplomatic cable on the site that has been blown-besarakan.

Some U.S. diplomatic cable leaked Wikileaks reveal the secret meetings between U.S. diplomats and senior officials of ZANU-PFand the Zimbabwe government officials.

In one wire, the Central Bank of Zimbabwe chief Gideon Gono told the U.S. ambassador in Harare that Mugabe suffer from prostatecancer. Mugabe predicted by doctors in 2008 that he would onlylive less than five years.

In the other wire, one of Mugabe's ministers, Saviour Kasukuwere, told former U.S. Ambassador to Zimbabwe Tom McDonald, thatMugabe and his cronies have to step aside from the leadership ofZimbabwe.

Last month, ZANU-PF party issued a statement calling the contents of diplomatic cables on Wikileaks was "very disturbing and demoralizing". (AFP / DHF)

(Coverage In The World)

Mario Balotelli Weapons In the Champions League Manchester City

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Citizen managers put great hopes on the Italian striker in the Champions League.

With a target of qualifying for the knockout phase of the Champions League, Roberto Mancini emphasized the totality of the Manchester City player in every game.

It was revealed Mancini could be referring to the case of Carlos Tevez in the match against Bayern Munich, where the Argentinean striker refused to play.

With Tevez has been sidelined from the team, Mancini was hoping the remaining players can be more reliable. Mario Balotelli was given more responsibility to bring Citizen talk more in the Champions League.

"He'll be a tough player and I am sure this time he will show it," said City manager was quoted by Il Domani dello Sport.

"He will be our weapon in the Champions League," he said.

(Coverage In The World)

Six major reservoirs in Indonesia on alert

Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011 | 0 komentar

Drought that hit the lead six large reservoirs in the state of alert.
Ministry of Public Works, Public Works, set six of the 16 large reservoirs in Indonesia currently set in a state of alert, or one level below the danger.

Ten reservoir''is still in normal condition, but six in the category of alert, ie Saguling, Cirata, Jatiluhur in West Java, Sermo in Yogyakarta, South Sulawesi Bili Bili Reservoir and Lahor, Karang Kates East Java,''said the Director General of Water Resources , Ministry of Public Works, told the BBC's Mohammed Amron Indonesia, Ervan Hardoko.

The reason is the drought that hit most parts of Indonesia.
Although the alert conditions, reservoirs were still able to function to generate and distribute electricity and clean water irigrasi.
High''of water in six reservoirs are declining. In Jatiluhur currently has reached 92 meters. Lower than the previous year which reached 102 in the same period,''said Amron.
But Amron ensure supply of water from six reservoirs are still in a safe condition.
Jatiluhur''example, the water supply can still be delivered despite the height reached 70 meters because the lowest was 59,''added Amron.
It is estimated that the availability of water in six reservoirs is still sufficient until October or when it began to enter the rainy season.
Austerity measures
"High water in six reservoirs are declining. In Jatiluhur currently has reached 92 meters. Lower than the previous year which reached 102 in the same period."
Muhammad Amron
The low rainfall in the peak of the dry season this year raised fears of drought in some regions in Indonesia given the increasingly limited water supply.
According to Muhammad Amron, weather modification technology to create artificial rain can only be applied at the end of the dry season when there are seeds of steam.
Therefore, when this can be done is management of the reservoir by way of savings.
Amron Muhammad said savings made primarily for agricultural irrigation.
''This is not the growing season, so the supply of water for irrigation to the farm is not a priority, just in irrigation by the existing capacity.''
As for drinking water needs, Amron guarantees can still be met.
In addition to the island of Java, the area most vulnerable to the threat of drought is the Nusa Tenggara Timur.
The Indonesian government said it has set up a fund of Rp 3 trillion to overcome the effects of drought this year.

(Coverage In The World)

The poverty rate in the U.S. increased

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More than 40 million Americans live below the poverty line.
The poverty rate in the United States increased at the highest position as much as 46.2 million people.
This figure is the highest level since the U.S. Bureau of Statistics began to collect data on poor families in 1959.

Poverty in the U.S. increased 15.1% from 14.3% in 2009.
The definition of poverty in America is determined from the annual income of less than U.S. $ 22,314 for a family consisting of four or U.S. $ 11,139 for one-person income of less than U.S. $ 30/hari.
Americans who live below the poverty line increased in four consecutive years.
In data released by statistical agencies mentioned blacks and Hispanic descendants of the first rank a list of poverty.
Statistical Agency in its report noted 25.8% of black people living in poverty, while achieving 25.3% Hispanic descent.
The new plan

This latest report also shows the average annual income of families in the U.S. declined 2.3% in 2010 to U.S. $ 49,445 per year.
Meanwhile, Americans who have no health insurance remained at a position about 50 million inhabitants.
Likewise with the jobless rate remained the same over 9%.
To overcome this poverty, President Barack Obama last week unveiled a draft for a new job opening package worth U.S. $ 450 billion.
He wanted the funds are used for large construction projects, schools and services, while cutting taxes for workers and small and medium enterprises to boost employment.
But this plan should get support from the Congress-dominated by Republicans, who have declared against the plan.

(Coverage In The World)

No more Mr Bean

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Rowan Atkinson as Mr Bean (left), and when he attends the premiere of Johnny Classic Reborn.
Rowan Atkinson in an interview stating there would be no more series Mr. Bean.
Told Newsbeat he pleaded not want the character Mr. Bean''growing old''.
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56-year-old actor said''I always thought of Mr. Bean as a youthful figure, which is always alive.''
"I do not want her to grow old, and if I continue to play her then she will look old, whether we like it or not.''
"I wish to remember Mr. Bean same as five or 10 years ago,''said Rowan Atkinson.
Mr Bean TV series first appeared in the 1980's and in production again in the 1990s.
Mr Bean last episode aired in 2006.

"I always thought Mr. Bean as a youthful figure, who has always lived"
Rowan Atkinson

Rowan Atkinson's Mr. Bean character develops as he was attending college.

Johnny Classic

Although it has been retire Mr. Bean, Rowan Atkinson but also played a character who is almost similar to the Bean in the movie Johnny Classic.
Success with the first film in 2003, now its sequel Johnny Classic Reborn return to cinema screens.
Week released new movie Johnny Classic Reborn already mastered in the UK grossing films list.
In its first week Johnny Classic Reborn is still talked about secret agents who bungled M17 successfully mastered the UK and Ireland box office with sales reaching £ 4.97 million.
In the second place there is a 3D version of the classic Disney movie, The Lion King, who earned £ 2.7 million.
While Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy fell to third place for three weeks after topping the box office.
Two new movies coming in the top 10 including Katie Holmes is a horror film, Do not be Afraid Of The Dark at the fifth rank with the amount of income amounting to £ 496,256.
While Woody Allens film titled Midnight In Paris, starring Owen Wilson and Rachel McAdams is ranked sixth.

(Coverage In The World)

Rihanna Named Esquire's Sexiest Woman Alive

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'At the end of a concert, I don't feel like I've been this sexy thing,' she tells the mag, also opening up about Chris Brown.

 Emma Stone, BeyoncĂ© and Mila Kunis have nothing on Rihanna. The editors of Esquire magazine have named the singer the Sexiest Woman Alive.

The mag's photos of the Talk That Talk singer are certainly sexy: She appears on the cover completely nude. In fact, she appears in many of the pics completely nude. But she claims she's not that aware of her sexuality.

 "At the end of a concert, I don't feel like I've been this sexy thing," Rihanna     told the magazine about how she feels after her seemingly sexy stage show. "Really, I don't even think about it."

The November cover girl said she thinks her show is only sexy when it has to be. "Unless it's a song that really calls for it, like Skin or S&M, or when I cover [Prince's] Darling Nikki. There's a section that's called Sex in the show, which is the obvious section for sexuality," she said of getting frisky during her act.

Not only did Rihanna address her sexiness, but she also opened up about her former boyfriend, Chris Brown, saying she has moved on from the 2009 assault and is now, actually, a fan of his music.

"It was too much anger. I'm really excited to see the breakthrough he's had in his career," she explained. "It's incredible to see how he pulled out the way he did. Even when the world seemed like it was against him, you know? I really like the music he's putting out. I'm a fan of his stuff. I've always been a fan. I would never wish anything horrible for him. Never. I never have."

(Coverage In The World)

James Cameron Calls 3-D 'Titanic' A 'New Experience'

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But he's also 'not changing a frame' during 3-D conversion process, which he previewed for reporters Tuesday.

In 2009, James Cameron announced to a crowd at San Diego Comic-Con that "Titanic," the iconic epic and king of the box office, would soon resurface in a theater near you, but this time in 3-D. Two years later, the conversion process is nearly complete and we're six months away from the April 6 release date.

But on Tuesday (October 11), James Cameron showed off about 20 minutes of newly 3-D-ified scenes to a handful of journalists in New York to give them an idea of what the finished product will look like next year and to explain the process and his reasoning behind the re-release for the 100th anniversary of the boat's sinking.

For Cameron, the re-release is about giving the audience a chance to relive an event that was more than just going to the movie theater. "I've always thought of watching this film in theaters as a social phenomenon, where parents will take their children or teenagers would go with their mom," Cameron said. "It would maybe be a woman going with a man she wanted to check out to make sure that his emotional plumbing was working before she made a big commitment."

But the name "Titanic" doesn't carry the same weight across the age spectrum as it did in 1997, and Cameron said he understands the need to appeal to a new audience. "There are younger kids we're going to have to sell to who don't know the movie. There's going to be a teenage audience who knows the movie only from video. The question is, do they know that just from peer-to-peer socially or is it passed on from watching it with their parents?" Cameron said.

Fans of the movie don't need to worry about any changes to the film they knew 14 years ago. Cameron explains that the only changes to the movie were the conversion to 3D. "We're not changing a frame. The ship still sinks. It ends the same way," Cameron said. Even some of the more dated special effects — "cringers," as Cameron referred to them — are there exactly as they were in 1997. The director said George Lucas and the ever-changing "Star Wars" trilogy helped him cope with that. "I see that as the example of what I don't want to do. I don't mean that as a slam," Cameron said. "[Lucas] considers his movies a perpetual work in progress. For me, the problem is, once you pull that thread, it all unravels. Where do you stop?'

By the time the new version of the film is released this spring, the 3-D conversion will have taken over a year with work from 300 artists and a cost of $18 million, but Cameron said he is proud of the conversion. "I think the film holds up pretty darn well. In 3-D, it becomes kind of a new experience," Cameron said. "It's a much more intimate and involving experience both with the characters and with the physical space." From the look of the eight scenes shown Tuesday, it looks like "Titanic" could be one of the most successful post-conversions to date, and it might bode well for more potential 3-D conversions for Cameron's other films. "The question is whether the film would benefit from a re-release and would there be a big enough audience for it. 'Terminator 2,' maybe. I think that would be a good place to start," Cameron suggested.

As we've seen with "Avatar," Cameron knows how to do 3-D well, and the clips shown Tuesday were no exception, especially the early scene of people boarding the ship. The effect does give a good sense of depth without gimmicky distraction. It was clear that care had gone into preserving the feel of "Titanic," while literally adding a new dimension. Only minutes after the clips began, the experience became more about seeing the film on the big screen again and less about the glasses on your face. That's the effect James Cameron hopes to achieve with audiences next spring.

"I think the story can't be 'It's "Titanic" in 3-D,' " Cameron said. "I think the story should be 'It's "Titanic" coming back to the big screen and it's in 3-D.' "

(Coverage In The World)
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